God Could’ve Written Messages In The Sky—Never Did

Humans can write messages in the sky for the masses to see, God either prefers to work mysteriously, doesn’t pay attention to humans, or God doesn’t exist. Theoretically God could exist so I consider atheists as stupid as people with hardcore beliefs. Man created religions and God hasn’t endorsed any of them even though an all powerful Goo could’ve easily done so. Religion causes too many wars and stupid people need to recognize that God hasn’t endorsed what ever religious belief they fight for. For roughly a century, a message in the sky would be considered human made, but in earlier eras God could have sent a convincing endorsement of a religion without a problem so religious nuts should realize the are nuts. One thing about Jesus Christ is that he never wrote anything in the New Testament and neither did his disciples which oddly enough makes him more likely to be sent from God because not writing anything is what God does if God exists. Like I wrote earlier, God may exist but anyone who thinks he/she/it wants people to believe anything is crazy because God obviously doesn’t get involved in religious beliefs.